Monday, 08 April 2013 11:20

* Video Interview - Norway, Oslo -
* Interview for Hagalla Magazine - Germany:
* Interview for Orient Expres Magazine - Czech Republic -
* Interview with the winner of Raks Sharqi competition for professional dancers in the Let´s Dance Festival 2008- read below:
Suraiya is a professional belly dancer from Poland. She is also a certified choreographer and instructor, well known in Poland and Europe for her charisma, dance technique and artistic presentation of oriental dance. These qualities proved to be true, as in the Raks Sharqi competition within the Let´s Dance Festival 2008 in Prague Suraiya received the highest marks. - Was this the first time that you joined a competition? Yes, it was my first belly dance competition. I feel honored that I could compete with so many wonderful dancers from all around the Europe and that I had an opportunity to be judged by such a respectable jury. - How did you enjoy the competition? It was amazing. I can’t say that I was deliberately competing with other girls. I don’t consider belly dance a sport in any way. This is my philosophy - and it seems that it works. When you are competing - your focus is on winning. My focus is on art of belly dance. If world was less competitive, people would be more passionate about the things they do. - Any unforgettable memories from the competition as well as Let´s Dance Festival? I am sure that I will never forget the Prague’s audience as they started to call me back again to stage during the competition – I was so surprised - I didn’t expect that... but I must admit, it felt wonderful! For every dancer reaction of the audience is the best reward! There was also an opportunity to perform during Gala Show of Stars with such amazing artists - that was truly unforgettable experience!!! -How would you compare the oriental dance scene in Prague and in Poland? I think it is similar. In Prague I met a lot of wonderful dancers from Czech Republic but I must admit that in Poland we also have a few really good belly dancers. - Would you like to say anything to the Czech dancers and audience of oriental dance? We have to break the stereotype people have of belly dancers as being “exotic dancers”. This dance is one of the oldest on our Planet. We should educate people and keep explaining that seducing an audience by belly dancer was part of the ancient culture. It has nothing to do with so-called “exotic dance”. Belly dance has to acquire a status of a noble dance.

Interview with the winner of Raks Sharqi competition for professional dancers in the Let´s Dance Festival 2008
Suraiya is a professional belly dancer from Poland. She is also a certified choreographer and instructor, well known in Poland and Europe for her charisma, dance technique and artistic presentation of oriental dance. These qualities proved to be true, as in the Raks Sharqi competition within the Let´s Dance Festival 2008 in Prague Suraiya received the highest marks. - Was this the first time that you joined a competition? Yes, it was my first belly dance competition. I feel honored that I could compete with so many wonderful dancers from all around the Europe and that I had an opportunity to be judged by such a respectable jury. - How did you enjoy the competition? It was amazing. I can’t say that I was deliberately competing with other girls. I don’t consider belly dance a sport in any way. This is my philosophy - and it seems that it works. When you are competing - your focus is on winning. My focus is on art of belly dance. If world was less competitive, people would be more passionate about the things they do. - Any unforgettable memories from the competition as well as Let´s Dance Festival? I am sure that I will never forget the Prague’s audience as they started to call me back again to stage during the competition – I was so surprised - I didn’t expect that... but I must admit, it felt wonderful! For every dancer reaction of the audience is the best reward! There was also an opportunity to perform during Gala Show of Stars with such amazing artists - that was truly unforgettable experience!!! -How would you compare the oriental dance scene in Prague and in Poland? I think it is similar. In Prague I met a lot of wonderful dancers from Czech Republic but I must admit that in Poland we also have a few really good belly dancers. - Would you like to say anything to the Czech dancers and audience of oriental dance? We have to break the stereotype people have of belly dancers as being “exotic dancers”. This dance is one of the oldest on our Planet. We should educate people and keep explaining that seducing an audience by belly dancer was part of the ancient culture. It has nothing to do with so-called “exotic dance”. Belly dance has to acquire a status of a noble dance.